L A   G A L E R I E   L ' A T E L I E R    M I C H E L E   G O N D E B E A U D

Laetitia Pineda

Emmanuel Alexia





2016 from  April 16th to May 8th,


Opening day Friday April 15th at 6.30 p.m


Open on

Thursday, Friday from 4 p.m to 7 p.m and by appointment.

The artists will be present on Saturday and Sunday from 2 p.m to 7 p.m.


Galerie l’Atelier Michèle Gondebeaud 17, rue Saint Aubin 31000 Toulouse tel 0616942161




Tea ceremonies


2016 April 16th and 17th with Christophe Verdun (Urasenke Tea school) 0041799287440

2016 April 24th and 30th with Dominique Kawano (Sôhen Yôhôan Tea school) 0674916060

Participation fee 20 euros